Adventure Time follows a human boy named Finn and his best friend in the world Jake, a magical, talking dog, as they set out on their adventures in the supernatural and magical Land of Ooo. The Land Of Ooo is a fictional continent in a post-apocalyptic future about a thousand years after the "Great Mushroom War." The show might seem quite random to the average unsuspecting viewer, but for those who watch, there's a method, and gloominess, to the unbounded madness. The show has received overwhelmingly acclaim from critics and has developed a passionate following among children, teenagers, and adults alike. This is one of the cartoons on the this list that might be fine to let your children watch. You parents out there might even consider using it to teach them certain adult concepts they would have a very hard time grasping otherwise. You will laugh and perhaps even cry. This light-hearted series gets deeper than you would have presumed after watching the first episode. This show is definitely worth watching.
Jesse Gumbarge is editor and chief blogger at - He loves old-school horror films and starting pointless debates. You can reach out at: