10 Awesome Cyborgs in TV History

3. The Cybermen - Doctor Who

The Cybermen from Doctor Who are awesome! Just look how great they look walking through a graveyard! In much the same way as the Borg from Star Trek: The Next Generation, the Cybermen are organic in nature with significant portions of their bodies replaced by mechanical and electronic devices. Originating on Earth's twin planet Mondas, the Cybermen slowly replaced more and more of their bodies with cybernetics until they became all but inhuman and emotionless. There are quite a few more cyborgs from Doctor Who. By its very nature, this TV show contains tons of cyborgs, but including more would turn this into a Doctor Who article instead of a cyborg article.
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Tim is a varied character. He's lived on three continents. He hates ice cream. He has been a highly-paid computer programmer. He invents collectible card games. He is a coffee shop owner. He has had fantasy stories published in magazines. Eventually he wishes to retire from life and become a professional 10-pin bowler who writes articles while living in his RV and traveling from bowling tournament to bowling tournament with his faithful wife in tow. And of course, Tim is a major horror and science fiction fan.