10 Awesome Game Of Thrones Moments That Made Us Cheer
1. Jon Snow Kills A White Walker
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gbYMSM27Y4ILike with Sam the Slayer and the dropping of the scythe, a lot of Game of Thrones’ most satisfying moments come when it appears all is lost, only for our characters to, shockingly, actually get a victory.
Throughout much of Hardhome, it really seems like the show might be building up Jon Snow to die, surrounded by not one by four White Walkers, and it’s one of the most tense episodes because of that. In this sequence, Jon is being tossed around by one of the White Walkers. He’s been seriously injured, he’s lying on the ground, and this is going to be it. Jon Snow’s about to die.
And then in one last ditch effort, he raises his sword, although we’ve established that the White Walkers will just shatter any sword easily. But wait, no. His sword actually stops the creature, and both it and Jon share a look of “wait, what?” Jon swings and completely takes it out. Oh my god.
If you weren’t totally on board with Jon as a hero by now, this was the scene to finally solidify it. This episode absolutely perfects making us feel like all is lost, only to shock and surprise us with this moment, giving us one of the most cathartic and thoroughly badass moments in Game of Thrones history.