10 Awesome Sci-Fi TV Twists You Never Saw Coming

7. Twin Peaks - Dale And Laura Have Ended Up In Our Reality

Fringe FInale

Now, this one admittedly requires a little more fleshing out than most, as is always the case with the work of TV’s greatest weirdo, Mulholland Drive auteur David Lynch. Where the original series was a mash up of offbeat small town murder mystery and strange, reality-warping sci-fi horror, the 2017 revival promised long awaited answers to the enigmas central to Lynch’s impenetrable universe—only to offer up one which, only unveiled by intense and obsessive sleuthing, prompts more questions than satisfactory nods of understanding.

Yes, the eventual reunion of Dale Cooper and a living Laura Palmer finally occurred, and mystery of Twin Peaks seemed closer to a conclusion during the closing moments of this trippy seventeen hour headf***.

But then came the reveal, for eagle eyed viewers, that the characters were far from home—and had landed in our reality. Yes, as in, the actual real world.

Viewers who could uncover the labyrinthine path to this twist were left blown away by it and the shock proved that Lynch still has some unforgettable mind melting ideas in his back pocket for viewers willing to unravel a complex, byzantine series of barely-there clues.

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