10 Awesome TV Shows You Could Be Binging On Right Now

1. Doctor Who

It is actually possible that there exists, somewhere in the universe, people who have not seen and fallen in love with Doctor Who. It may seem a bit crazy and far-fetched, as Whovians seem to have taken over all corners of time and space, but it's true. If you caught Who-fever a long, long time ago in a galaxy far, far away... no wait, that's Star Wars. If your mind has gone all wibbly wobbly from one too many paradoxes, take this excruciatingly long break before the reign of Capaldi to re-live your favorite moments of Doctors 1-11. If you've managed to avoid Who-fever, feel free to take this time to catch up on what you've been missing. Subtext: this show is amazing and you should be watching it. Right now. Follow the journey of the Doctor-a Timelord from the planet Gallifrey. He looks human, but he's not. He has two hearts, and when his body is dying he can repair it and change his appearance through a process called regeneration. He spends his days flying in his time machine, called the TARDIS (acronym Time And Relative Dimension In Space). You'll watch him interact with famous figures throughout history, change the future-he might also explain a few lingering questions, like what happened to the missing minutes of the Watergate tapes-and he'll have a fantastic time doing it. Binging Advice: If watching 50 years of backed up episodes seems a bit daunting, start with New Who: the 2005 series 1 'reboot' beginning with the episode entitled "Rose." If you're really pressed for time, you can start with series 5 "The Eleventh Hour," but I don't recommend it. You'll miss all of David Tennant's fabulous eyebrow work and Christopher Eccleston's self-deprecating ear humor. When you get to "Doomsday," have your box of tissues handy (you'll probably need a new box after watching Buffy). Though tissues should really always be nearby. You never know when Matt Smith is going to deliver something heart breaking. Most of Classic Who available on Netflix and Hulu (it gets spotty with some stories), seasons 1-6 of New Who available on Netflix and Hulu, first half of season 7 available on Hulu. Are any of your favorite binges missing from this list?
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Jenny is an amateur writer and a professional procrastinator. She has perfected the art of passing off West Wing quotes as her own in every day conversation, and never talks to inanimate objects as if they are people. Well, almost never. Follow her on Twitter @jenny_rauch if you enjoy hearing about the current Chicago weather and/or what kind of coffee she is drinking.