10 Awesome TV Shows You Could Be Binging On Right Now

7. Firefly

Speaking of Joss Whedon, leave it to him to write a series about cowboys in space. Really, that's the premise of the show. Somewhere down the road, humans branch out and start to colonize the universe. There's a big war, because there always is, and unlike in Star Wars, the evil empire prevails. Or it's like Star Wars: Episode IV. A group of rebels led by Mal (the nerd-gasmic Nathan Fillion) fly around in a ship called a Firefly (because of its glowing tail). They are hired for jobs that are entirely illegal, or borderline illegal, but almost always just. They seem to get into a lot of sticky situations--but if they didn't it wouldn't be as much fun to watch. You wouldn't think that a TV show featuring chases through space and inter-gallactic law could also include a gun fight in the desert and work so seamlessly, but it does. Firefly is backed up with Whedon's usual slew of heart and relatable characters (and some bad-ass women), and it will be easy for you to get lost in their adventures. And then you will be angry when you remember that there's only one season, and then you'll write an angry letter to FOX before you remember that they canceled it a long time ago and Nathan Fillion has a new job and your letter will be pointless. Binging Advice: Try to stretch the viewing out as long as you can. When it's over, you can watch the movie (Serenity). But like that episode of Angel, you should have tissues. Someone dies. Season 1 of Firefly, Serenity both available on Netflix.
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Jenny is an amateur writer and a professional procrastinator. She has perfected the art of passing off West Wing quotes as her own in every day conversation, and never talks to inanimate objects as if they are people. Well, almost never. Follow her on Twitter @jenny_rauch if you enjoy hearing about the current Chicago weather and/or what kind of coffee she is drinking.