10 Awesome TV Shows With One Awful Character

3. Betty Draper - Mad Men

Betty Draper

On one hand, Don Draper's ex-wife Betty is a pure ice queen, but anyone who's seen January Jones act in basically anything else knows that this is the only acting mode she knows.

To that extent, Jones gives a solid performance in the part, but Betty's robotic, interminably miserable Stepford Wife shtick became a chore to watch after a while, and ironically, only with a terminal lung cancer diagnosis in the show's final stretch did she become not totally irksome.

Though Betty is supposed to be difficult to a point (much like Breaking Bad's Skyler White, who was deliberately left off this list), ultimately her character went round in circles too many times and became more of liability than an entertaining b****.

Considering the many justifiable reasons she had to be upset with Don, it's staggering she ended up so widely-hated by the show's fan community.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.