10 Awesome TV Shows With One Awful Character

2. Ziggy Sobotka - The Wire

The Wire Ziggy Sobotka

It says a lot about a character when they're deemed "the Jar Jar Binks" of anything, and such was the fate reserved for James Ransone's hapless young dockworker Ziggy Sobotka.

An unbearable, incompetent egomaniac and infuriating beneficiary of nepotism, Ziggy is the prototypical f***-up friend nobody wants to hang out with, even if they might occasionally get a chuckle out of his goofball antics.

His worst offence? The guy got a duck drunk until it died and was somehow surprised by this result. Isn't that alone enough to find him completely beyond redemption?

In a show full of gangsters, murderers, and general low-lives, not one quite raised the blood pressure like this horrendous degenerate.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.