10 Most Awkward Moments In Modern Family

9. Cameron Mistakenly Insults Gloria Out Of Context

StarrynightEpisode: Starry Night We've all done it €“ we've all been the victim of saying something out of context, and Cameron probably has displayed the worst example possible. As Cam struggles to make amends and befriend Gloria €“ his father-in-law's wife €“ he just has a habit of saying all the wrong things at the wrong time. Gloria is a Colombian woman with a young son and Cameron has found a way to insult them by accident. As he tells stories completely unrelated to anyone in the family, Cameron says what can be misheard as unsavory things about Gloria and her son's presence. We all sort of cringe as it happens because we know it is all in good taste, but Gloria does not think so. At least Cam has the opportunity to make it up to her by making things worse first.

From filling an empty stomach to sleeping in until noon, Chris Combs ensures to enjoy all of life's simple pleasures. Poet, explorer, and all around gentlemen. This scholar is a pop-culture melting pot of useless information that would win any game of trivial pursuit. Follow him on Twitter to get inside his mind @OrganicChris23