10 Awkward Things That Must Have Happened After Star Trek Episodes

1. Janeway's Reunion With Mark

star trek voyager captain kathryn janeway and mark johnson

Voyager's early return home to Earth led to celebrations all across the Federation. It was a wonderful time for the entire crew, but Captain Janeway may have had a bit of an awkward reunion with her ex-fiancé, Mark.

About four years after Voyager was lost, they were able to use the Hirogen subspace relay network to contact Starfleet in the episode Hunters, and the crew were finally able to contact their loved ones. Janeway was excited at first to speak to Mark once again, but her mood quickly changed when she learned what he had been up to while she was gone.

Mark held out hope for longer than most, but eventually came to the conclusion that Janeway had died and decided to move on with his life. He was devastated to lose his fiancé, yet he went on to marry his coworker only six months after Voyager was lost.

Janeway was heartbroken, but understood that Mark needed to move on eventually (although, getting married to another woman only six months later was a tad surprising). We can imagine that Janeway and Mark's reunion after Endgame was far less romantic than she hoped. This is made especially sad when you rewatch the episode Elogium, when Janeway told Chakotay she intended to get home before Mark gave her up for dead.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.