10 Awkward Things That Must Have Happened After Star Trek Episodes

2. The Crew Realising Captain Freeman's Mistake

star trek voyager captain kathryn janeway and mark johnson

We learned a lot about the Federation News Network in the Lower Decks episode Trusted Sources. An FNN reporter came aboard the Cerritos to do a story on it's mission and crew during Project Swingby, a mission to return and offer assistance to planets visited by Starfleet in the past.

Captain Freeman was really worried about her daughter, Beckett, making the Cerritos look bad, so she ordered her to not speak to FNN under any circumstances. Beckett then did an interview behind her mother's back and the Captain was so mad that she transferred her off the ship onto the dreaded Starbase 80.

Once the FNN story aired, Freeman realised that Beckett had actually given a very charitable interview, which she probably would've known if she'd just bothered to ask. Of course, Beckett wasn't eager to accept her apology after the fact, choosing instead to run off with Picard's contracted archeologist friend, Petra Aberdeen.

The rest of the crew were taken out of context and the FNN exposé nearly led to the entire California-class being decommissioned. Beckett and her mother made amends at the end of the next episode, but kicking her daughter off the ship was definitely one of Captain Freeman's most embarrassing moments. The whole crew had to say goodbye to their friend because Freeman was just too stubborn to hear her daughter out.

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Marcia Fry is a writer for WhatCulture and an amateur filmmaker.