10 Bad TV Shows With Great Opening Title Sequences

9. True Blood

True Blood is what happens when you have no narrative discipline whatsoever when trying to make a vampire show. In the early seasons, its lack of restraint when it comes to sex, violence, and violent sex is charming, but it soon becomes too ludicrous to take seriously. And while the show has a certain campy charm, it pitches its tent far away from what could be called "good television".

But this opening manages to perfectly capture what makes the show so fun to watch, in spite of its dramatic flaws. The deep south-infected rendition of Jace Everett's "Bad Things" perfectly matches with the visuals to give a perfect sense of setting from the first shot. Combine that with the ridiculously overcut images of grisly animal violence, southern lifestyle, and sexual imagery, and you have one of the most ludicrous, yet appealing, opening sequences of all time.

This opening credits sequence also does an amazing job depicting the oddball metaphor the show: That vampires are a stand in for LGBTQ culture. Besides the on-the-nose "God hates Fangs" sign in the middle of the sequence, the editing and pacing of the shots make the audience feel like they're watching someone's deviant lifestyle.

It's the most effective possible way to capture this show's appeal - all without a single shot of a vampire.

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Self-evidently a man who writes for the Internet, Robert also writes films, plays, teleplays, and short stories when he's not working on a movie set somewhere. He lives somewhere behind the Hollywood sign.