10 Banned Episodes Of Famous TV Shows

4. Mr Skinnylegs (2004) - Peppa Pig

The X Files
eOne Family

Launched in 2004, the cute and comical adventures of the muddy puddle-loving pig and her family and friends have produced over 200 episodes, and have been broadcast in over 180 territories around the world.

Of course, as Peppa Pig is a very British cartoon with very British sensibilities, there was always the chance that certain aspects might not fly abroad. Even so, few could have predicted that one particular episode would be thought to present a genuine risk to its infant audience.

However, this was very much the conclusion of Australian broadcasters in 2015, when they opted not to air the 2004 episode Mr Skinnylegs, in which Peppa and her little brother George overcome their fear of a spider and become its friend.

While this might be an admirable message for children in the UK, where common house spiders pose no real threat to human life, it's a rather different story in Australia, home to a great many of the deadliest spiders in the world.

Although there's only been one recorded death from a spider bite in Australia in the past 39 years, it's still probably not a great idea for Australian toddlers to think they can safely pick up any old spider and play with it.

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The X-Files
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