10 Banned Episodes Of Famous TV Shows

2. Partial Terms Of Endearment (2010) - Family Guy

The X Files

Okay, it's another cartoon show, but not one that's intended for kids and, as alluded to earlier vis-à-vis Ren and Stimpy, it's one of those for whom courting controversy is business as usual.

Since its launch in 1999, Seth McFarlane's Family Guy has always gone out of its way to push the envelope for provocative humour, for the most part specifically designed to bait the conservative reactionaries who get most upset about that sort of thing.

As a result, a number of episodes were taken off air for a period of time after drawing complaints; but only one Family Guy episode was banned outright by network Fox without ever being broadcast on its home soil. This was season 8 closer Partial Terms of Endearment, and even the most cursory glance at the synopsis makes it clear why the studio was nervous.

The episode sees Lois Griffin agree to be a surrogate mother for an old college friend and her husband, before both of them are killed in a car crash. Subsequently, Lois and Peter argue over whether or not she should abort the baby.

The episode has subsequently been released on DVD and broadcast in international territories including the UK, but to this day it has been deemed too risky to air on US television.

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The X-Files
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Ben Bussey hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.