10 Behind-The-Scenes Joe Rogan Experience Facts

2. The Guests Aren't Paid

Although not officially disclosed, the consensus is that guests on JRE don't receive anything approaching a conventional appearance fee, as would be standard on most conventional TV chat shows.

Realistically for most guests, the exposure of several hours on the world’s most popular podcast is more commercially valuable long-term than the kind of relatively modest fee that could be expected. It is difficult for example to see how Bert Kreischer gets his own Netflix documentary series or Hotep Jesus is considered a serious political commentator without their appearances significantly boosting their profile.

This is not to say that there aren’t any expenses set aside for guests. For example, during JRE #979, which has since been purged from YouTube, former candidate for the European Parliament and milkshake-based fashionista Carl Benjamin (aka Sargon of Akkad) noted that he would have to wrap up the podcast or miss his flight. $1,200 for a seat on the subsequent plane was seen as no object as an expense of the show.

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Writer on international relations, political philosophy, and drunken cowboys in video games. Contributor at WhatCulture.