10 Best "B" Plots In The Simpsons

3. Homer At Night School – The Front

Mr Burns

The Front is the episode in which Bart and Lisa write an Itchy and Scratchy episode under Grandpa's name, but it's probably best remembered for Homer.

Homer and Marge attend their high school reunion, at which he wins numerous "prestigious" awards, including "Most Weight Gained" and "Most Improved Odour".

Homer's night is ruined when his old principal reveals that he never graduated from high school, having failed a remedial science course. Determined to prove himself, Homer attends night classes to pass the course.

The awards scene is funny on its own, but Homer at night school steals the show. He is a complete idiot, screaming when Principal Dondelinger burns a donut during an experiment and getting into a ridiculous discussion over a True or False test that is one of the best examples of wordplay in the entire show.

This episode can probably be seen as a precursor "Homer Goes To College" in Season 5, because it takes the tragically unacademic Homer and puts him in a situation where he has to use his brain.

Eventually Homer passes the class and the final scene of the episode shows Homer and Marge attending another reunion in the future, only this time Homer has a toilet plunger stuck to his head.


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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.