10 Best Aaron Sorkin TV Characters

2. Casey McCall & Dan Rydell Sports Night Guys (1)Show: Sports Night Played by: Peter Krause & Josh Charles The buddy-buddy duo that started it all for Sorkin, the hosts of Sports Night, Casey and Dan. Sorkin€™s style would fall flat without good actors, chemistry, and humor. What was great about Dan and Casey was they were the hosts of the show and they were close friends, so their style and banter bled through into the different facets of their lives. But they weren€™t just goof balls; they took their jobs very seriously, and considered themselves writers. They resented when they were spoke of as anything less than a professional journalist just because they were sports anchors. Listening to these two (walk and) talk to each other was like music, and although some of their jokes probably land rather corny now, they made sports reporting a lot more interesting. Fun Fact: Sorkin hated the laugh track and ABC would not let it go for the first season, Sorkin eventually had enough leverage to make it go away during the show€™s second season.


I'm currently getting my masters in Writing and Publishing in Chicago. I usually fill my time with marathoning great television. My favorite shows are The Sopranos, Mad Men, Six Feet Under, Breaking Bad, Dexter, The Wire, Lost, and so much more. Count on me to write mainly about television.