10 Best American Dad! Characters Only In One Episode

1. Tommie Tokes

American Dad Cee Lo Green

Just like Family Guy before it, American Dad! takes its turn to put a fantastic original twist on Roald Dahl's classic tale, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Only this time, it's 'Jeff and the Dank Ass Weed Factory'.

The CIA learns of five golden blunt wraps hidden by the elusive Tommie Tokes that allow access into his weed factory. It just so happens that everyone's favourite stoner Jeff Fischer finds one of these, and Stan, having been instructed to find the factory's legendary 'everlasting edible', convinces Jeff to take him along.

There to greet them at the gates is Tommie Tokes, who looks and sounds exactly like the first man people likely think of at the mention of weed - the aptly cast Snoop Dogg.

If you're familiar with the original story, you'll probably be able to guess what happens next. Several people go in, and through their greed and general odiousness, they nearly all meet their downfall. But Stan, using CIA technology to fake being high, manages to endure long enough to finally get his hands on the everlasting edible.

But Tokes finds them out, and Stan's upper body is turned into that of a 'Snoopa Loompa' as punishment. After a bloody escape attempt, Tommie is forced to let them leave in his glass elevator.

Another great celebrity guest performance that both pays homage to a timeless story and pokes fun at its rather gruesome premise. Never change, Snoop Dogg, never change.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.