10 Best American Dad! Characters Only In One Episode

2. The Hot Tub

American Dad Cee Lo Green

Celebrity cameos in sitcoms are often excruciatingly contrived, be it animation or live action. It's especially the case when they're playing themselves, but in this instance, the unique guest appearance is quite a refreshing change - not to mention a hilarious one.

Cee-Lo Green, the 'Cartoon Apple' himself according to Family Guy, not only breaks up the episode with live action commentary, but also provides the voices of both a possessed hot tub and an (uncanny) animated version of himself.

Stan looks to buy a hot tub when the stress of his everyday life takes a toll on his joints. An outdated one in the back of the shop 'calls to him', and he becomes so invested in his hot outdoor lounging that he allows it to completely take over his life.

The hot tub itself doesn't exactly discourage him, either. Its enticing singing and persuasive language convinces Stan to forsake his whole family just to spend more time in the relaxing waters.

Meanwhile, the shop owner, Marguerite, discovers that a strike of lightning gave this hot tub life, and, with a vendetta against people who settle down (and therefore not use their hot tub as much), it escaped from a mental institution to exact its revenge.

Stan comes to his senses, and the hot tub, after killing Marguerite and Principal Lewis, throws him out of the window, killing him. That's as much explanation as you get, the episode ending with one last statement from Cee-Lo: "Well, there you have it, Stan's dead! Goodnight!"

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.