10 Best Animated TV Shows Of The 2010s

1. Bojack Horseman

Rick and Morty

Who knew a Netflix series about a cartoon horse could be so good? Whilst it’s fair to say Bojack Horseman took a little time to set the scene and get the momentum going, it is now considered one of the greatest shows ever thanks to how it uses its looney premise of a has-been celebrity horse to convey the harrowing truths of depression, isolation and addiction.

The writers mastered the perfect mix of absurd comedy against serious and uncomfortable issues, without the tone of the show ever seeming jagged or uneven. The art style is beautiful and every supporting character is fleshed out and beautifully acted, to the point where you'd forget half of them are anthropomorphic.

But it’s the pacing and development of the show’s titular character which is the key factor to its brilliance. In the beginning, Bojack is a flawed person who is often bitter, short-tempered, rude and selfish. But he’s also someone who deserves forgiveness and redemption. The journey of him trying to work on himself and change for the better is an emotional ride, but it's a beautiful story that will forever resonate with audiences.

A show that is hilarious, gripping and heartfelt, Bojack Horseman deserves endless praise for confronting the issues of mental health in such a deft manner.

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Bojack Horseman Seated

1. He’s So Stupid He Doesn’t Realise How Miserable He Should Be.


Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid