10 Best Animated TV Shows Of The 2010s

7. American Dad

Rick and Morty
20th Television

American Dad is one of the very few television shows which actually improved in the later stages of the show. When it first began in 2005, it was often perceived as an inferior rip-off to Seth McFarlane's other animated comedy, Family Guy. It was not until the late 2000s/early 2010s when viewers really began to recognise its strengths and potential.

American Dad is all about family, when it comes down to it. It is able to lean into real, palpable drama between the main ensemble and delivers emotional payoffs throughout. The characters are greatly developed, the humour is strong and very rarely relies on cheap gross-out comedy/explicit content just for shock value, and the sitcom often crosses over with mature topics and handles them in a nimble manner.

American Dad is finally getting the fanbase it deserves and, although some will be in denial about this, it is truly the superior Seth McFarlane show.


Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid