10 Best Anime Fights Of All Time

5. Ichigo Vs Byakuya - Bleach

Sasuke Vs Naruto
TV Tokyo

These days, saying that you enjoy Bleach the show on the internet is tantamount to saying that you enjoy bleach the liquid. As a drink. You're unlikely to be treated badly by the otaku peanut gallery (that's for people who enjoy Dragonball Super) but you WILL get some weird looks and suggestions to go to the hospital. Luckily, fights like this one are good reminders as to why so many fell in love with this show.

After spending several dozen episodes working through his future coworkers, Ichigo has finally come face to face with the shinigami Byakuya, the last obstacle in the way of rescuing Rukia. Fortunately, Ichigo has attained Bleach's version of super saiyan - Bankai - which gives him that extra bit of an advantage.

Where this fight differs from Goku vs Frieza, though, is that that advantage doesn't last long. Byakuya quickly regains the high ground and before you know it, Ichigo is right back on his back foot.

The fight has this back and forth to it that later fights in the series simply don't have, which is why fans still remember this fight all these years later. Add onto that a strong thematic undercurrent of the philosophical flaws of Bushido and Feudalism, and you have the most memorable fight in the entire series.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?