10 Best Anime Fights Of All Time

2. Naruto Vs Sasuke - Naruto Shippuden

Sasuke Vs Naruto

It's a time honored truth that you just can't have an anime amv without at least one fight between the most famous shonen rivalry of all in there somewhere. We all knew that eventually these two were gonna get into a fight that one of them wouldn't walk away from. And as the series was artificially stretched out long after it was meant to end, expectations for that final battle only grew.

And - somehow - they pulled it off. While the final arcs of Naruto are the kind of bad that can only come from a writer who wanted to stop a LONG time ago, the final battle between loud OP bastard boy Naruto and Sasuke "I'm basically a terrorist but I'm also cute so you love me anyway" Uchiha hits it straight out of the park.

After beating the final boss, Sasuke has decided that after 500+ chapters, NOW it's time to actually be a compelling villain, and turns on Naruto one last time in a bid to take over the Hidden Leaf Village. Like Naruto, he wants to radically change the systems in place to make sure another war on the scale that they just got out of never happens again. Unlike Naruto though, his plan is significantly more stabby.

The two throw EVERYTHING at each other. Every trick, technique and jutsu that they've used gets thrown at the other at some point, and no matter how beaten to hell they are, they just keep getting back up. The fight begins with two godlike beings shaking the Earth beneath them with their might, and end with two beaten and bloody men at the bottom of a crater, just barely managing the strength to stand yet still throwing punches. The only reason the fight ends where it does is because they blow each other's arms off.

If you understandably dropped Naruto before the end, you at least need to give the final battle a look. Rest assured that it's everything you want.

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John Tibbetts is a novelist in theory, a Whatculture contributor in practice, and a nerd all around who loves talking about movies, TV, anime, and video games more than he loves breathing. Which might be a problem in the long term, but eh, who can think that far ahead?