10 Best Beards In The Walking Dead

8. Abraham

If Abraham shaved off his facial hair would his favourite thing in the world still be Washington DC? Technically not a beard but more of a glorious, ginger handlebar moustache, Abraham would definitely be a top contender for the best beard on the show if he actually grew it out. However, his choice to keep this style and even let Rosetta maintain it reveals a little about his military past; strict, organised and sort of reluctant to make drastic changes. However, during season 5 of The Walking Dead, we saw that handlebar moustache become a bit bushier and more wild than we're usually used to seeing it which may have reflected Abraham's reactions to Eugene's secret. With the revelation that Eugene is a liar, Washington DC wasn't ever mentioned again and it took a while for everyone to get over the hope that Eugene had built up. Abraham probably took it the hardest out of everyone and it took him a while to recover.

Lover of Tolkien's world, Harry Potter and baked goods. A camel once put his head on my shoulder and it was the best day ever. sara@whatculture.com