10 Best BoJack Horseman Episodes Of All Time

9. Downer Ending (Season 1, Episode 11)

Bojack Horseman Downer Ending

Okay, time to get heavy.

Season one of Bojack always felt like two distinctly different shows. We have the first half, or thereabouts, which was a watchable, but by no means essential, bit of television. Then there's the second half, that took us down a very different route with almost no warning.

'Downer Ending' was the episode of BoJack that cemented a lot of things - for both the character and the show. It showed us just how oblivious BoJack could be to the destructive behaviour he enabled in others as well as himself, thanks to how ready he was to call up his addict friend to hook him up.

We saw just what his friends really thought of him in Todd's assertion that BoJack can never change, which Todd had sadly come to accept and no longer found upsetting, because it wasn't surprising anymore. It set in stone just how selfish this Horseman could be.

More so than anything though, it showed just how far outside the box Raphael Bob-Waksberg and the BoJack team were willing to go with this show. We didn't expect a trippy, drugged-out writing spree/meditation on the nature of mortality set to Death Grips from most animated shows, least of all BoJack Horseman. Well, at least at that point.


Johnny sat by the fire, idly swirling his brandy, flicking through the pages of War and Peace, wondering whether it was pretentious to write his bio in the third person.