10 Best Brooklyn Nine-Nine Cold Opens
4. Hitchcock Pranks Himself
Honestly, Jake did not need to even put in a minute amount of work to prank Hitchcock and/or Scully. If you leave them unattended long enough, they pretty much prank themselves constantly. Scully once almost accidentally drank a mug of thumbtacks. This wasn't the result of any effort from someone else. He just forgot they were in the mug.
One day, Scully walked in with a jar that was filled lemonade. Hitchcock also had a jar but his had water in it with his new goldfish swimming around. Naturally, the two jars were identical because they would have to be.
Jake immediately noticed this, and wanted the rest of the squad to guess what would happen next. Would Hitchcock put fish food in Scully's lemonade? Or would Scully drink Hitchcock's fish? Once again, Jake completely underestimated the Dynamic Duo and Hitchcock inexplicably drank his own fish.
It was a confusing moment that somehow still made sense given who was involved.