10 Best Buffy The Vampire Slayer Characters

4. Giles

Buffy The Vampire Slayer Spike Buffy
Mutant Enemy

Rupert Giles is the primary mentor and father figure in the show. As Buffy’s Watcher, he guides and aids the Scooby Gang using his unparalleled intelligence and knowledge.

Despite being a book-obsessed librarian, Giles certainly isn’t dull. The combination of Anthony Head’s performance and the brilliantly-written dialogue is a match made in heaven. From the very first episode, Giles' witty lines and paternal austerity make him instantly loveable.

Over time, he becomes more than just a mentor, though. During the course of the show, he proves to be a capable fighter, musician, shopkeeper, and warlock. He’s even given several love interests in the form of Jenny Calendar and Joyce Summers.

He’s such a likeable character that it’s a real shame he isn’t featured more after Season 5. Indeed, his absence leaves a bit of a void as no other character can match his wisdom.

Put simply, Buffy and the gang would have been doomed if it wasn’t for Giles, especially during their high-school years. He’s the ultimate father figure and the coolest librarian you’ll ever meet.


Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.