10 Best Cartoon Theme Songs

3. Transformers

This theme has gone through many different generations but always kept to the same simple concept - and for good reason. Its use of classic catchphrases like "robots in disguise" and "more than meets the eye" perfectly captures the cool sci-fi world that the Transformers call home.

The sound of the music itself has this technological/robotic sound that, of course, is in keeping with the theme of the show. It also stood out upon its initial release as no other cartoon had used such special effects when it came to their vocals. In regards to the tune and melody, it is incredibly simple and repetitious and, as such, totally memorable.

It is a shame that the classic theme didn't find its way into the live-action movies, as it was sorely missed. Although a more relaxed version of the piece did make it into the original soundtrack, it was not used in the movie itself, and this came as a great disappointment to fans.

When it comes to great songs that fully capture the spirit of the show, however, there are very few that get better than this one.


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