10 Best Child Actors On TV
Let's raise a glass to the kids out there who manage to defy the stereotypes of child actors, because those little guys are awesome.
When it comes to child actors, there's a few different breeds. First, and most obviously, is the incompetent one. They're scenery with pigtails, and the fewer lines they have to deliver, the better. Then there's the mini-adult, which you can spot from a mile away. The insipid smile, the cutesy exterior that you just know barely hides the demon spawn lying just beneath the surface. They don't even come off as children, not really; they've been trained since they were toddlers exactly what image they were supposed to project, and it's vaguely off-putting. There they stand, with their overalls and gap-toothed grins, more grown-up and competent at seven and a half years old than you'll ever be. But then every once in a while there are really talented child actors, who have such a sense of naturalism about them that they actually feel like real kids. They have solid interactions with their adult co-stars, and maybe even steal scenes every once in a while. When you're a ten year old who can hold your own in a profession that most people spend years of their lives training for, well...that's something worthy of note. So let's raise a glass to the kids out there who manage to defy the stereotypes of child actors, because those little guys are awesome.