10 Best Comedy TV Shows On Netflix Right Now

5. Santa Clarita Diet

The End Of The Netflix

Netflix's premier zombie-esque comedy, Santa Clarita Diet had a fantastic, if all too short-lived, run across three seasons on Netflix where it mercifully remains to this day. Santa Clarita Diet is a shockingly bloody and bloody hilarious horror-comedy featuring Drew Barrymore and Timothy Olyphant as a couple trying to keep their lives together despite a zombie-like infection taking hold of Barrymore's Sheila.

Barrymore and Olyphant are both expectantly brilliant in their lead roles and hilarious- Olyphant's awkward face in particular works everytime. Both actors are suitably backed up by a stellar back-up cast that deliver as much laughs as its two star leads do whenever they're on screen.

There are few shows out there that are as genuinely funny and sincerely shocking in equal measure throughout. Santa Clarita Diet was a show thoroughly on the up when it was sadly cancelled by Netflix. But don't let that fact turn you away from one of the finest Netflix originals out there. Three seasons of zombie comedy gold should be more than enough for you to chew on for a while.

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