10 Best Community Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

1. "Professor Roger DeSalvo"

Kelly Cortlandt Community
Sony Pictures Television

Towards the end of Season 6, the cast decide to enrol in an interesting sounding grifting class at Greendale, which Jeff warns them is clearly a grift. Despite Jeff's begging them not to enrol, they do anyway, where they meet Professor Roger DeSalvo.

Played by Matt Berry, DeSalvo's class is clearly a grift, though it takes Abed, Annie, Britta, Chang, and Elroy a while to see it. DeSalvo takes Hickey's spot as Jeff's office mate, and the two immediately clash, since DeSalvo views grifting as an art form while Jeff views it as a means to and end. Then, Jeff teams up with his friends to take DeSalvo down in a grift, only to learn that none of them know anything about grifting.

This doesn't stop them from throwing together the ultimate grift, including a fake alliance/romance with Britta and a conga line of briefcases, and beating DeSalvo at his own game. It's immensely satisfying when the episode ends and we hear him say those three magical words, "I was grifted."

Berry brings his signature charm and hilarity to the role, such as his random singing. His love of grifting almost sways the audience into thinking it's a real art form. Roger DeSalvo, if that his is real name (as it could well be a grifting alias), is the best one-off character in all of Community.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.