10 Best Community Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

2. Mr. Stone

Kelly Cortlandt Community
Sony Pictures Television

The death of Pierce was a heartbreaking moment in the show, but it led to one of the best episodes of Season 5, Cooperative Polygraphy. In Pierce's will, it clearly states that, in the event of his death, the Study Group must undergo a polygraph test in order to determine if any of them murdered Pierce.

Enter Mr. Stone, Pierce's executor, who administers the polygraph test to the group. Excellently played by Walton Goggins in Season 5 (and equally well portrayed by Pedro Pascal in the recent reunion reading of Cooperative Polygraphy), Mr. Stone delivers Pierce's question in a (pardon the pun) piercing, yet monotone voice, effectively giving the deceased old man one last hurrah of an episode.

However, Mr. Stone's best moment comes at the end of the episode, when he joins the study group at a bar for drinks. Here, he's actually allowed to be himself, as opposed to just Pierce's surrogate, and he's equally hilarious. His screenplay about a polygraph test administrator whose greatest flaw is that he's too handsome sounds like a great idea, and his excitement towards the group is surprisingly sweet.

Through Mr. Stone, Community found a great way to bring back Pierce for Season 5 while also creating an entirely different character.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.