10 Best Community Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode

9. The Schmitty Kids

Kelly Cortlandt Community
Sony Pictures Television

Some characters on this list are so lovable, deep, and multilayered that they could have appeared on Community time and time again without wearing out their welcome. Mark Cahill, Scott Waugh, and Kelly Cortlandt - played by Jared Kusnitz, Dean Collins, and Jillian Rose Reed respectively - also known as "The Schmitty Kids," are on this list for an entirely different reason.

Appearing in the Season 1 episode The Art of Discourse, these three high schoolers follow Jeff and Britta around Greendale, mocking them by adding "duh" to whatever they say and calling them "schmitty," which apparently means "loser." Because of their fragile egos, Jeff and Britta let these high school jerks bully them, trying their hardest to get back at the trio.

After a failed attempt to humiliate Mark by sleeping with his mom, Jeff and Britta engage in an outright "war" with the high schoolers, continually adding "duh" to each other's sentences. Their battle finally ends when Shirley and Pierce pants the Schmitty Kids, stunning them for just long enough for Jeff and Britta to claim victory.

The genius behind the Schmitty Kids is just how dislikable the writers and actors are able to make these harmless high schoolers. In just one episode, they establish themselves as the sitcom equivalent of Joffrey Baratheon from Game of Thrones.

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Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.