10 Best Community Characters Who Only Appeared In One Episode
Which human beings do you wish we saw more of?

Though the NBC/Yahoo! Screen sitcom Community gained fame for its clever spoofs of films and TV shows, its willingness to deviate from the traditional sitcom format and its out-of-the-box style humour, its real charm came from the quirky yet lovable cast of characters. Jeff, Britta, Abed, Shirley, Annie, Troy, the Dean, Chang, and Pierce make the show memorable far more than any of its gimmicks.
However, the series regulars aren't the only great characters that the show has to offer. Community's guest characters bring a certain spark to Greendale that makes nearly every episode more enjoyable.
Whether it's Leonard being told to "shut up" time and time again, Magnitude entering a room shouting "Pop, Pop!" or Todd just being the worst, nearly everyone who passes through Greendale makes the show better.
Some characters get even less screen time than the aforementioned guests. These people serve as one-off guest stars, who just visit Greendale for an episode, before disappearing from Community forever. Despite only being on the show for a brief time, they made a huge impact, whether they be hilarious, heartwarming, or perfectly annoying.
10. Devon And His Wife

In Season 5's VCR Maintenance and Educational Publishing, Abed, Annie, Abed's girlfriend Rachel, and Annie's brother Anthony play an outdated, wild west themed VCR game called Pile of Bullets. Throughout the game, they watch a prospector on the TV, played by Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan, giving them the instructions.
The final scene of the episode actually develops the actor portraying this prospector, named Devon, and his wife, played by Gina Gershon. In the scene, Devon books the job for Pile of Bullets, and tells his wife. She is elated by the news, as she believes that VCR games are "the future." She is, obviously, sorely mistaken. It's heartbreakingly hilarious watching them decide to move to Los Angeles, abandoning their jobs at Apple Computers.
It's so funny watching Devon and his wife choosing VCR games as the hill to die on, especially given how hilariously outdated the game is when Annie, Abed, Rachel, and Anthony play it.