10 Best Crime TV Shows (Since Breaking Bad)

8. Better Call Saul

Money Heist

Vince Gilligan isn’t ready to let go of Breaking Bad just yet. As evidenced by the somewhat ill advised El Camino, there are loose ends yet to be tied up. More interestingly, though, is the action that came before we were introduced to Walt, Jesse, and the world of methamphetamine.

Not unlike Breaking Bad itself, Better Call Saul started off as something with a comedy bent to it, but has slowly transformed into something darker. We know how Walter White transformed into Heisenberg; now, we get to see how Jimmy McGill turned into the smooth criminal lawyer Saul Goodman.

It’s admittedly a less drastic change, with McGill a slippery customer to start with, but the prequel has proven no less fascinating than its parent show. The pacing can be an issue at times (it’s often downright glacial), but the characters are superb, the performances uniformly great, and the show ever surprising in its ambition.

Now five seasons deep, Better Call Saul is looking likely to outlast the wildly successful Breaking Bad, an achievement no one expected on its debut. It has been a hugely enjoyable surprise, and the rarest of things: a series that only gets better as it goes on.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)