10 Best Daria Episodes

6. My Night At Daria's

Daria MTV

Header Image: https://imgur.com/uOaaGaO

The penultimate episode of Daria's fifth and final season, My Night at Daria's was a definite high point in the latter seasons' attempts to earnestly humanize the show's lead character.

The episode opens with Daria and her then-boyfriend Tom Sloane crashing out after a late night study session. What follows is a humorous sequence of events that leads to rumors spreading around Lawndale High that Daria and Tom are sleeping together.

However, what begins as a lampooning of high school rumors soon turns into a genuinely touching look at relationships and intimacy that tackles Daria's tendency to push people away so as not to get hurt. The episode also does this in a way that wouldn't have really been possible without the previous five seasons of character development (Season 1 Daria never would have been nowhere near this sort of situation to begin with).

My Night at Daria's has a little bit of everything. It's funny, it's awkward, it's sarcastic, it's touching, it has Jake Morgendorffer being an idiot, and above all, it's human.

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A film-loving wrestling fan from west Texas who will live and die by the statement that Return of the Jedi is the best Star Wars movie and unironically cherishes the brief moment and time when Deuce & Domino were WWE Tag Team Champions. Hates honey, but loves honey mustard.