10 Best Doctor Who Big Finish Releases

9. Jubilee

Doctor Who Big Finish
BBC / Big Finish

A 2003 monthly adventure which sees Colin Baker up against the Daleks, alongside his companion, Evelyn. One of the biggest draws to Big Finish is what it does for classic Doctors.

Whilst arguably very hit or miss during his period on the show (especially with that interesting costume), in contrast, Colin on audio is magnificent! With simply the audio there is no way the coat can get in the way of Baker’s solid performance, swapping out the brash and unlikable qualities for sophistication and charm.

Some of this audio’s greatest scenes are with a lone imprisoned Dalek. Sound familiar? That’s because the writer, Robert Shearman, used this story as the basis for his 2005 new series story ‘Dalek’. As with most Big Finish stories, Jubilee shows just how menacing monsters, like the Daleks, can be- even without the visuals.

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