10 Best Doctor Who Characters In One Scene Only

3. Old Canton (The Impossible Astronaut)

Doctor Who The Woman Who Fell To Earth Salad Man

We're going to bend the rules a little here and include the older version of Canton Everett Delaware III. Look, this is a Doctor Who list - if there's one show where we should be free to discuss alternate versions of the same character, it's this one!

Anyway, the younger Canton - who's also a fantastic character - appears as a regular throughout The Impossible Astronaut and Day Of The Moon, but the elder Canton only gets a single, highly memorable scene at the start of the former episode.

This older, grizzled Canton pops up out of nowhere while the Doctor and the Ponds (all three of them) are enjoying a picnic on the shores of Lake Silencio. Though it's clear that the Doctor knows him, his arrival goes unexplained, which immediately makes him an intriguing figure - and this intrigue is only heightened when he suggestively plonks a can of gasoline next to the Doctor's corpse.

Canton then reveals that he knows who Amy, Rory, and River are, even though they've got no idea who he is. This mystery is then unpacked over the course of the story, but not before Old Canton exits his scene with a real mic-drop of a line, one that can only be described as Moffat:

"I won't be seeing you again... but you'll be seeing me."

Also, fun fact: William Morgan Sheppard - the actor who plays old Canton - is the father of Mark Sheppard, who plays young Canton. Talk about perfect casting.

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