10 Best Doctor Who Characters Only In One Episode

1. The Dream Lord (Toby Jones) - Amy's Choice

Van Gogh

You know that old saying "chew the scenery"? Well, Toby Jones didn't just chew it - he dined on it like it was a three-course meal at a posh restaurant, leaving almost none of the scenery left for anyone else to have a munch on themselves.

Amy's Choice is one of the most underrated episodes of modern Doctor Who, and by extension, Jones' Dream Lord is one of its most underrated bad guys. With his short stature and unusual look, he's about as far from the design of your average Who villain as it's possible to get - which increases his mysterious allure - but it's his biting mind games that really make the character special.

Where the majority of villains in the show tend to pose a physical challenge to the Doctor - Daleks, Cybermen, Weeping Angels, even the old people in this episode - the Dream Lord tore apart the TARDIS trio of Amy, Rory and the Doctor with some well-placed insults and a few cold-hard truths about their relationships with each other. There's some delicious psychological taunting going on here, and it's far more engaging than watching our heroes run away from a laser-blasting alien.

The sad thing is that the Dream Lord can't really appear on the show again, since the Doctor would know to just blow up the TARDIS to wake everybody up. Thankfully, his first appearance didn't waste a fraction of the character's potential.


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