10 Best Dramatic TV Series Of 2015

1. Mr. Robot, Season 1 - USA

The USA Network, which airs WWE Raw, has tried its hand at original programming over the past few years, with mixed results. Shows like Suits, Burn Notice, and Royal Pains are harmless enough, but hadn't met with much critical or commercial success. Out of nowhere this year came Mr. Robot, a sleek and sophisticated psychological thriller that is carried by the charisma of its lead, Elliot (played by Rami Malek). In what begins as a grassroots movement to stop a major corporation, the show starts to turn into something more cerebral. The pilot may just be the most perfect hour of television this year, rivaling even some of the top movies of the year. The rest of the season keeps rolling along until the unbelievable conclusion, which leaves the door open for more questions to be answered in Season 2. In a year filled with fantastic television shows, Mr. Robot towers above them all, which is an amazing coup for the USA Network. Thoughts on this list? Your inevitable disagreements and snubs can be commented on below, or tweeted at me @PocketSeagull.

Justin has been writing about professional wrestling for more than 15 years. A lifelong WWE fan, he also is a big fan of Ring of Honor.