10 Best Entourage Episodes

7. "The Cannes Kids"

Ari Gold Entourage
Warner Bros.

Back when Netflix was just a DVD delivery service, a young actor named Vincent Chase portrayed drug lord Pablo Escobar in Billy Walsh’s Medellin. A passion project for all concerned, Vince and the gang took the film to the Cannes film festival, sure that they could make a sale, recoup their investment, and scoop some prizes come awards season.

Well, it doesn’t quite work out like that. Vince, E, Ari, and Walsh stir up major interest in the film, and even receive a couple of big money bids before anyone has even laid eyes on the project.

But when it comes to the screening, they’re in for a rude awakening: the film is a dud. It’s booed by the audience, and the deals that were on the table are quickly yanked off. They manage to sell it to a reputable studio for $1.00, but as we find out in the following season, there’s no saving it.

True to form, the failure of the film is water off a duck’s back for the boys, and they end the season certain that the eventual release of Medellin will see a reappraisal for the film (it doesn’t).

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)