10 Best Entourage Episodes

8. "I Love You Too"

Ari Gold Entourage

The career of Johnny Drama is a rich vein of comedy in Entourage, and something actor Kevin Dillon delights in adding to. Perhaps his most fascinating role is that of Tarvold in Viking Quest. Drama is often mocked for his part in the hokey fantasy series - but when the gang rocks up at Comicon, they realise that, in the kingdom of the nerds, the star of Viking Quest is king.

Drama has little at stake here - he gets sunburnt and bickers with a colleague - but it’s fun to see the perennial failure in the spotlight for once. Fans pester him for pictures and demand that he rattle off his character’s complex mythology.

Elsewhere, Vince is on the charm offensive for the upcoming Aquaman movie. He runs afoul of a journalist he had previously snubbed, and when a conciliatory interview goes wrong, he fears the kibosh has been put on the blockbuster before it even hits the cinemas. Worse still, his ex-squeeze and co-star Mandy Moore wants him to break bread with her new fiance.

This is Entourage at its most focussed, and while its derision of Comicon hasn’t aged too well, the setting is ripe for laughs and plot progression.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)