10 Best Entourage Episodes

3. "One Day In The Valley"

Ari Gold Entourage

This is the culmination of one of the most ludicrously optimistic Entourage plotlines, in which Vincent Chase’s Aquaman movie becomes the biggest movie of all time. While Jason Momoa wouldn’t have quite such good fortunes in 2018, this is Entourage at its wish fulfilling apex, though done with charm and humour.

The gang travel to the valley to see the film with a real audience, but rolling blackouts shut down the theatre. Eric accidentally lets slip to Vince that the film has a chance of breaking Spider-Man’s box office records, and from there the majority of the crew are in party mode. They cruise L.A, splash the cash, and end up crashing a shindig thrown by high schoolers, at which they relive the hedonistic days of their own teenhoods.

All the while Ari and Eric fret over the numbers - things looked rosy at first, but the rising heat is shutting down theatres across the country. Will Vince’s movie break big as expected, or have they set themselves up for a fall?

It transpires that the heat has primarily affected the equipment which monitors ticket sales, and the gang end the episode on a tremendous high. It’s pure fantasy stuff, but a great payoff to a long running arc.

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Yorkshire-based writer of screenplays, essays, and fiction. Big fan of having a laugh. Read more of my stuff @ www.twotownsover.com (if you want!)