10 Best Entry Points For Star Trek Newcomers

7. Star Trek 2009

Star Trek 2009 Richard Robau
Paramount Pictures

Star Trek reinvigorated the franchise when it hit theatres in 2009, directly helping get the floundering final frontier back in people's minds. Though there has been much discussion of the tonal shift that director J.J. Abrams brought to the property, there is little doubt (just look at the box office) that people flocked to see this film.

This movie was tasked with the not inconsiderable feat of bringing characters to the screen who had debuted on a relatively small television show in the 60s, as well as reviving a dormant film franchise. It was a reimagining, rather than a remake. It was its own original story. Including Leonard Nimoy in the cast was a savvy choice by the filmmakers to tie to the show, though no heavy Trek knowledge was required by new viewers.

In many ways, it plays the hits for those in the know. Spock gets his quotes, Kirk is all about the fisticuffs. Scotty is on hand with a quip while Karl Urban excels as a modern-day McCoy. It has everything a returning fan looked for, along with more lens flares than you can count, but it also had the heart and soul that would be required for newbies.

While the action of the film may seem to stray from what had come before, the meaning behind the action was consistent with what Star Trek meant for all those years. Newer viewers were introduced to Trek diplomacy via a brand-new Enterprise and some tattooed Romulans - but it was still Trek diplomacy. Just louder.

Also, the Romulan supernova is a fantastic starting point. 

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick