10 Best Episodes That Make Bad TV Seasons Worth Watching

7. Kiksuya - Westworld (Season 2)

Community Season 4 Basic Human Anatomy

It might be slightly harsh to call Westworld’s second season ‘bad’. By most standards of TV, it’s pretty good. Compared to Westworld’s first season though, most fans agree it was a massive nosedive.

Season Two was far too concerned with tricking its viewers and keeping up confusion, running multiple timelines and constantly attempting to trip fans up. Characterisation, world building and even plot seemed to be put on the back burner in exchange for making the show as convoluted as possible.

All that is, except for Kiksuya. The runaway fan favourite and critical darling of the season reminds you exactly why you fell in love with Westworld in the first place, just as you started having doubts.

It follows the tale of Akecheta, a character who had so far been pushed so deep in the background he was basically set dressing, or occasionally a one note obstacle/plot device. With Kiksuya though, we not only see his deep ties to Maeve and William, but to the consciousness at the heart of Westworld itself.

Almost the entirety of Kiksuya is in Lakota, a native Sioux language. Like all of Westworld, it demands you pay attention, but unlike most of Season Two it doesn’t pull the rug from you.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)