10 Best Ever Romulan Stories In Star Trek

7. TNG, Redemption 2

Picard Romulans
CBS Media Ventures

The introduction of Commander Sela came at a time when the Federation's most powerful allies, the Klingon Empire, were facing a devastating civil war in the wake of the death of the Klingon High Chancellor K'mpec. The very powerful House of Duras vied for control. Once Duras himself was killed by Worf, leadership of the House fell to Lursa and B'etor, the sisters of Duras.

The House of Duras had old ties with the Romulan Empire. Duras's father had given them the access codes to attack the Klingon colony at Khitomer, leading to the death of Worf's own family. The connection between the House and the Empire continued and as the Klingon people fell into civil war, the Romulans supplied the Duras family to keep them in power, uniting two great Empires against the Federation.

The Romulan plot is foiled by Federation intervention and without their support, the Duras Sisters quickly lose the war. This episode showed the continuing machinations that the Romulan Empire would use to gain stronger power in the Galaxy and the extent that they would go to get it. They continued to favour underhanded techniques, retreating as soon as they are discovered by Data.

It also shows their lack of loyalty, an aspect of the people that changed greatly since their original introduction. The Romulan Commander in Balance of Terror could scarely be more Klingon in his actions, while Sela abandons her allies the moment it is no longer convenient for her to continue to assist them. Sela would return but this would spell the end for a true alliance between the Romulan and Klingon Empires.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick