10 Best Ever Romulan Stories In Star Trek

3. DS9, Inter Arma Enim Silent Legis

Picard Romulans
CBS Television Studios

This episode of Deep Space Nine's final season takes the action back to Romulus as Dr. Bashir and Admiral Ross attend a conference. Before he can even leave the station, Bashir is contacted by Section 31, Starfleets own secret police, to recruit him on a mission to spy on the Romulan government. The Tai Shiar will be handling the security arrangements and so only someone of Bashir's genetically engineered skills will suffice. However the plot quickly thickens, twisting and turning until finally Bashir managed to figure out he is being duped.

The episode has shades of Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country. In that film, a group of Klingons conspired with a group of Starfleet officers to assasinate their own Chancellor Gorkon rather than submit to peace with the Federation. Here, the plot is slightly reversed. The episode begins with Senator Cretak, a proud and patriotic Romulan who is established as Bashir's only ally as he falls deeper into the plots of Section 31 and the Tal Shiar. However, this is a misdirect and Cretak falls victim to her very own patriotism. As Sloane explains, she is a patriot who will always support the Romulan government - and would support them in turning against the Federation if the situation called for it.

She is replaced in the senate by a Romulan who is loyal to the alliance. Bashir learns that on Romulus and beyond, there is no way to trust anything he sees. His people are against him. Their people are against him. Romulus is a very, very long way away from the comfort he has on DS9. And that distance only continues to grow.

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Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick