10 Best Family Guy Characters Only In One Episode

2. Mickey McFinnigan

Mickey McFinnigan Family Guy

Given that the episode title for this one is Peter's Two Dads, you can probably see where this is going. When Peter's father, Francis, is fatally injured (crushed by Peter on a unicycle, no less), his final words to his son are, "Peter...you're a fat, stinkin' drunk." This prompts Peter to go to a hypnotherapist, where he finds out that Francis is not actually his father!

From his mother, he learns that he was conceived through an affair she had with an Irishman named Mickey McFinnigan. Along with Brian, they track Mickey down to a small village in Ireland, where Peter makes himself known as his son. But Mickey, despite looking and acting extremely similar to Peter, is sceptical as to whether the man is telling the truth.

As the town drunk (a position of great honour in Ireland), he challenges Peter to a drinking contest, claiming that only his own flesh and blood "could handle that much of the creature". And sure enough, by a narrow margin, Peter wins!

The episode comes to an end with a jaunty Irish folk singalong, also ending Mickey's role in the series. Considering that he's Peter's father, and that Peter's adoptive father isn't around anymore, one would have thought that the lovable Irish drunkard would pop up again at some point. But no.

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Graduate composer, on-and-off session musician, aspiring novelist, professional nerd. Where procrastination and cynicism intertwine, Lee Clarke can be found.