10 Best Female Antiheroes On TV

7. Succession - Shiv Roy

Westworld Dolores

Shiv is arguably the nicest of the Roy clan and certainly the least arrogant (although that isn't saying much). Logan Roy's only daughter still has the trauma and baggage that being the child of Logan usually comes with, but her lack of direct involvement with the family company has allowed her to mature unshackled from her father's control.

Succession is a show about terrible people that you want to see fail but also can't help but enjoy. Shiv still fits that profile as she becomes more power hungry and in need of Logan's approval as the series goes on. She is also unfaithful to her fiancé-turned-husband Tom who is a belligerent idiot but is also deeply in love with Shiv and would never betray her like that.

Towards the end of Season Two, Shiv performs a rare Roy act of selflessness as she puts her own career advancement in jeopardy by trying to protect Tom from Logan. It is one of the few moments in the show where someone does something for someone else and that is why Shiv is the most likeable Roy, someone who is more morally grey than most of the other characters of Succession.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.