10 Best Football TV Series To Stream While The Season Is On Hiatus

4. Matador

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Available on: Hulu (US), Netflix (Canada), Amazon Prime (depending on country)

While Apache may be Latin American football drama based in gritty reality, Matador offers the more outlandishly unreal end of the spectrum.

Developed by Robert Rodriguez for his Hispanic American El Rey network with the assistance of regular JJ Abrams collaborators Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman, this series concerns the exploits of footballer-by-day/CIA agent-by-night Tony "Matador" Bravo. Infiltrating fictional club L.A. Riot to investigate Alfred Molina as Riot's criminally connected owner, Tony (MCU Ghost Rider Gabriel Luna) must convincingly pass as a footballer, help the team to success on the pitch and battle Nicaraguan drug lords off it.

Matador is obviously ludicrous, but it's slick, silly, frenetically paced action entertainment. Following creator-director Rodriguez's lead, the show embraces its B-movie trash premise and retro pastiche style to create a series that is 60s tennis-playing spy caper I Spy for twenty-first-century football fans.

Unfortunately the series didn't connect enough with audiences to get a second season five years ago, but it's still available on various streaming platforms for anyone who needs some nonsense football-related escapism in this difficult time.

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Loves ghost stories, mysteries and giant ape movies